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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The ads McCain should be running

I came across the site Never Find Out yesterday from Freedom Dogs.
These are the ads McCain/Palin should be running.
Three examples:

The only exception I'd take is in the second ad: it's not big corporations, it is those Americans who make more than $250,000 a year-the small business owner, who employees the majority of Americans. They will be hit, and hit hard. But the concept Never Find Out brings out is correct: to maintain profit margins,in the face of higher taxes, corporations either increase prices (not the best solution) or cut expenses or a combination of the two. Either way, the middle class takes it in the shorts: higher prices or lower salaries, lay-offs, no new jobs created.

Over under

I'm looking for the over under on Code Pink or some other lefty fringe group disrupting the debate this evening with McCain speaking. I'll put the wager point at 39 minutes.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9 minutes and 46 seconds well spent

An intelligent rapper is what it took for me to listen to this from beginning to end:

And it's approved under Obama's National Healthcare Plan

After this exchange:

We have this from The People's Cube (be sure to go to the first link and read the entire article):

Quick- somebody put this on the back of a T-shirt!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today hundreds of people observed the murder of Matthew Shepard.
Will these same people observe the anniversary of the torture death of Jesse Dirkhising?
Never heard of him have you? He was thirteen and was raped and tortured by two homosexuals.
From the article:

News of the Dirkhising case was surprisingly muted throughout the country, perhaps because it involved a homosexual crime, said WND readers, who voted it one of the most spiked stories of 1999.

At one point, Farah took the Washington Post to task over it, and most major newspaper's, lack of coverage of the case. In response the Post's ombudsman, E.R. Shipp, blasted Farah and WND in a column she penned defending her paper's decision to focus more attention on the death of Matthew Shepard, a homosexual student who was murdered in Wyoming in Oct. 1998.

The men who murdered Shepard didn't know that he was a homosexual. But, you would never know that by the Prairie Pravda article. They robbed him because he was flashing money and his assailants needed drug money. It was a robeery that went bad. Real bad. But it was not motivated by homosexual intolerance. No matter, again, what the propagandists would say.
Another example of the SOS radical left taking a tragedy and exploiting it. No shame. None.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rucks and mauls

Many of you know that I played rugby for two decades. In rugby there are some terms for what happens when a man is tackled and the forwards (the "linemen" of rugby) close around the tackled ball carrier: ruck or maul.
Some years back, we were in SW Minnesota playing rugby. It was a game with a number of fights. After about the fourth or fifth fight, the referee, after blowing the whistle and untangling the mess, had one guy by the arm. "Whenever I sort out a fight, you're always the one I find at the bottom of the pile. You're off the field!" And so, he was sent off.
In rugby, back then, when you were kicked off the field, you were not replaced. Your team played a man short for the rest of the game.

Today, every time there is a disaster, much more often than not, there is a government program, directive, agency somewhere in the mix either causing the problem or causing the problem to be worse or become worse. Witness the sub-prime mortgage and resultant financial collapse. All brought to you by: government. Aided and fully abetted by Democrats. And yet, John McCain can not make or will not make that connection.
Time is short.
And I'm losing hope that McCain has the will to fight.
He faces a man who has no respect for and seeks to destroy all that John McCain fought for, risked his life for and suffered for five horrible years in the Hanoi Hilton (and still suffers from those years). McCain's response: "Senator Obama is a fine family man."
President-elect Obama. And Nancy Pelosi will preempt the Constitution (nothing new there) and call Congress back if Obama does win the election to get a head start on the left wing mischief.
The Republicans have no one but themselves to blame.

And this is what we have to look forward to (thanks to Powerline):

And believe that this one campaign promise Obama will keep.
Yup. The bottom of a lot more rucks and mauls.