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Friday, September 30, 2005

Just what district is this again????

Colleen Rowley, former FBI whistleblower of 9/11 fame, has been in the news a lot lately. She was in Crawford Texas last month with Cindy Sheehan and she has been giving speeches all over the state lately. Her most recent was in Brooklyn Park and is reported here. About the only place where she has not been giving "stump" speeches has been in CD 2 and that is the district that she is supposedly running to represent! You hear reports of her speaking in lots of places outside of CD 2 including Washington DC where she spoke in support of Representative Dennis Kucinich's proposed "Department of Peace and Non-Violence".

Hey Colleen - why don't you save your money and speak a little closer to home. Say, anywhere in CD 2 where the people that you want to represent live.....Just a thought.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Smoking ban

I'm going to step into Anti-Strib's realm here. The folks over there have posted numerous stories about the adverse effects of the smoking ban that Hennepin and Ramsey counties instituted this year. According to this story in today's Star Tribune, charitable gaming revenues are down 22% in Hennepin county for the 2nd quarter of 2005 (the last quarter reported) and Ramsey county is down 10%. Metro counties (where there is no ban) are more mixed with a few counties gaining minimal revenue and others loosing minimal revenue. This should surely add to the pressure to both counties to reconsider their smoking bans.

This adds to the economic bad news that the smoking bans have brought to the counties. I would encourage you to go read the archives over at Anti-Strib. They have put a ton of research into this and they deserve all the credit for keeping this issue front and center.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Hysteria in the Media

My dear friend in New Orleans send me this today. I think I have read and re-read it a dozen times since then. Two passages hit me the hardest. First was this one:

"The picture that emerged was one of the impoverished, masses of flood victims resorting to utter depravity, randomly attacking each other, as well as the police trying to protect them and the rescue workers trying to save them. Nagin told Winfrey the crowd has descended to an "almost animalistic state.""

I was stunned by that statement. I can not help but wonder what the collective press corps' reaction to that statement would have been had the mayor been someone like Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago or Mayor Randy Kelly of St Paul - white men.

The second striking paragraph was this one:

"One widely circulated tale, told to The Times-Picayune by a slew of evacuees and two Arkansas National Guardsmen, held that "30 or 40 bodies" were stored in a Convention Center freezer. But a formal Arkansas Guard review of the matter later found that no soldier had actually seen the corpses, and that the information came from rumors in the food line for military, police and rescue workers in front of Harrah's New Orleans Casino, said Edwards, who conducted the review."

Remember the game "telephone". I whisper a sentence into one person's ear and that sentence is whispered, one person at a time, until the last person in the room to hear the sentence gets it and then he/she is supposed to say it out loud and never resembles the initial sentence. This one was that this widely ciruclated story was reported as gospel by the various media outlets around the country and it turned out to be nothing more than the results of a game telephone! These same people who denigrate certain news bloggers as being rumor mongers and unreliable because they don't have editorial boards looking over their shoulders. Well folks you all have the editorial board oversight - why didn't you catch this?

I guess that just goes to show that even with editorial board oversight, just knowing stuff isn't enough. You have to be willing and able to chase a story down - to get to the truth! The legacy media, in their hysterical rush for disaster of the week ratings, ran with stories that now, in the cold, hard light of reality were not what they claimed to be.

We have officially entered the "Viet Nam" zone...

But not in the way that the left has envisioned it...There is no military quagmire, only a protesting quagmire...

I have been reading and watching the coverage of last week-ends Anti-American (and Pro-American) protests in Washington DC. While watching (and reading) the coverage, I had a flashback to Chicago 1968 and the Democratic National Party Convention that year. For context, I grew up in Chicago and in 1968 we were innundated with live coverage of the anti-American protests there. The protests themselves (and the City's horrible reaction to it) are indelibly etched into my memory. I would sit, alternately transfixed and horrified, as I watched my beloved city collapse into lawlessness. The fact that the City reacted with such overwhelming brutality was even more frightening to me than the riots were.

Fast forward 37 years to 2005. Watching the protesters and seeing their signs, I could not help but think that I was having a deja vu moment because the people that I saw were the same people I watched back in 1968. The only difference was that the protesters were a lot grayer (aren't we all) than they were then. They only thing missing (thankfully) were the riots and the chants of "THE WHOLE WORLD'S WATCHING". The rest was the same...the same tired chants, the same socialist speakers and the same tired ideas that died when the Cold War ended.

More importantly, I remembered something my father said to me one night (while we were watching the chaos unfold). He said, never forget that people died in Europe, people died in Korea and people are dying today in Viet Nam in order for these people to have the right to protest today! Never forget the sacrifices of our soldiers. Now my father was not a "military" man. The closest we got to having a family member in the service was one uncle in the Navy and a great uncle in the Air Force (both during Korea), but even then he knew what was right. It's amazing how smart my parents got as I got older. I hope I am that "smart" when my son gets older too.....

UPDATE: From my lips to God's ear. According to this story from the Washington Post, Cindy Sheehan was arrested today in front of the White House. She was arrested for blocking a public sidewalk. As police led her away, her follow protesters were heard chanting "the whole world's watching". I can't help but marvel at the narcissism and total lack of a sense of history that these people (protesters and reporters) have. When the 1968 protesters were chanting that, they were being trampled by police horses and beaten bloody by baton weilding police officers and gassed with tear gas while being dragged to waiting police vehicles. Not one tear gas canister, not one baton, not one horse and not one dragging was in sight in the pictures I saw of the arrest.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The racism of the "anti-war" movement

A Texas friend forwarded this to me today. To say that this was an eye-opener is an understatement, but not totally surprising when I think back on conversations that I have had with the rabid anti-war left. Their statements puzzled me and saddened me at the same time for I was always told how accepting of others these people were (granted they were usually the ones telling me how accepting they are but that is another story). I have heard, out of supposedly intelligent, well meaning people, that the Arab culture could not handle democracy. That they don't understand it, that it is not workable for them. These are the very same kind of justifications that people used when trying to justify slavery, opposing women's sufferage and opposing the Voting Rights Act of 1968!!!! The very people who today say that "liberating Iraq is not worth the sacrifice that my son (white) made" would not be caught dead saying that the life of a black man or woman and yet they feel quite comfortable saying that about a brown (or "yellow") man or woman.

Are they truly that blinded by their hatred of President Bush that they can not see the hypocrisy of their own statements? Or are they willfully that hypocritical? That is the million dollar question. For if they are blinded by their hatred of President Bush, well then maybe there is hope - hope that when the next Administration is in place they will see the error of their ways. However, I fear that they are that willfully hypocritical....take a look at the leadership of the "loyal" opposition. They are the ones whose voices are calling for our withdrawl from Iraq the loudest! Leaders like Senators Clinton, Kennedy or Kerry are demanding that our troops be brought home now because of the quagmire that Iraq has become. So supposedly "color blind" people are using race to score political points! That to me, is the lowest of low. Whatever happened to having a "color blind" society? It was sacrificed on the alter of political power! When will the people of America wake up to the hypocrisy of the anti-war movement??????

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

This morning, while getting ready for church, I was listening to George Stephanopolis interviewing Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Now Senator McCain is more of a liberal than he is a true conservative and as such, has taken much scorn from the hard core Republican base. However, what he had to say this morning made a lot of sense. He was saying that if we are going to spend billions of dollars on rebuilding the hurricane ravaged areas of Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas we must find other areas in the budget to cut the spending. Sen. McCain's idea was to cut some $26 billion out of the Highway budget that was just passed. So far, the only governmental "leader" to get behind this idea was Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca). The Republican leadership in both the House and the Senate are dead set against this, as is the White House. This is a shame as the Republicans are supposed to be the party of fiscal least that is what the grass roots activists are all about!

It is time for the Republican grass roots to speak up to their leadership! N.Z. Bear, over at has started a new project called Porkbusters. He is asking that all concerned citizens, regardless of political party, write to their respective represenatives in both the House and the Senate demanding that they take a stand against this continued deficit spending. I suggest taking it one step further. Send the message to the White House as well! I did. I hope to hear from my representatives (Senators Dayton and Coleman and Rep John Kline) soon and if I do, I will be sending that information on to N.Z. Bear like others have. With the 2006 elections right around the corner, now is the time to make your voices heard. Because if they don't hear and they don't respond, they know that we the voters will take our voices elsewhere.

UPDATE: I sent a letter to Congressman Mark Kennedy (who is running for the Republican nomination to Senator Dayton's seat). I noticed on his website he talks about a $2.5 million grant to a regional airport in his district. I wonder what his reaction to my letter will be in light of that grant. I will keep you all posted.