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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

When will we learn?

There are post and editorials about how wonderful Senator Allen is for not putting the people through a recount and setting a great example for other politicians.

My response. Horse-Hockey!!

If anyone thinks this will change the way Democrats behave they are fooling themselves.

The is the same stupid logic that was at the heart of the Nuclear Arms movement.
"If we set a good example just get rid of our Weapons, the Soviets will!"
Horse-Hockey - If you want to win you defeat the opponent.
The Democrats want to win and they know this - Just because we want to play fair does not mean they will.

Do I think Allen should be fighting the outcome?
Maybe - Sort of like when a coach calls for a play to be reviewed on a turnover even when he knows he will lose.
It takes away some of the momentum, and also sets up the Officials to question themselves.

But the key is, if anyone thinks that 2008 will not have the Democrats calling voter fraud and recounting every ballot they lose, they are kidding themselves.

For the perfect example. Gov. Pawlenty makes a gesture talking about how he wants to work with the new DFL House and Senate. And what does the DFL, appoints the most partisan fighter they have to lead the Senate.

And peoples are surprised!

When will we learn?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Pre-post mortem

It’s 1:00 a.m. on 7 November, 2006, Election Day for the mid-term elections.

I’ve started the post mortem early with politicians and some RINO’s here locally in mind. The RINO’s I have in mind are not politicians. I’ve served with them on campaigns and committees. The keep trying to impress me with their credentials hoping that I’ll accept them as conservative. That being said, they only impress me as having the very same virus as the Republicans that are now in heavy spin.

I’m starting my day after my Bible readings and meditations, with coffee, and now am listening to Laura Ingraham. And her advice to the Repubs? Don’t wait until October 1st of an election year to start paying attention to your base. It becomes pandering at that late date. She mentioned the Harriet Miers disaster, the Dubai Ports deal, no reform of Social Security, amnesty for illegals just to name a few. Here locally we’ve got the horrible stadium deal, fees instead of taxes, ethanol/E85 subsidies, and Republican senatorial candidates running ads against the oil industry. Laura has just had on Robert Novak who has written some great articles. I read where once again I’m being warned about the Senate and judicial nominations. I remember that same carrot being held out two years ago when I joined many others to work chasing the same carrot. And was given Harriet Miers.

There are plenty of articles and blogs that have warned the Repubs that the day of reckoning was approaching. Dick Armey wrote an insightful piece as did Fred Barnes. But then, there is this piece today from the WSJ by Arthur Brooks. Brooks refers to the rightward tilt of the country. That if right versus left were a seesaw, Nancy Pelosi would be doing an air dance and a Democratic House majority would just mean that her shoes are a few inches closer to the Mother Earth that she and the other lefties try to put on God’s Eternal Throne. The gross and overarching error in the article is that Brooks assumes that Republican = conservative. He states “long-term trends are still distinctly right wing.” I’d posit that what he really means is the long term trends are less left wing. When I see the federal register still growing, tax cuts not made permanent (or at least kinda’ permanent-remember the two tier tax levels from the Reagan Presidency and where we are now?) Now, to give Brooks his due, he has a book that really proves that churchy going conservatives really are more compassionate by what they personally give, not what they vote to force others to give to horrible, disastrous and evil government programs.

P.S. 11-07-06 1:09 p.m. I voted.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Quote of the Night

I started my post mortem early yesterday morning and will post it later.
But, the quote of the night came from none other than Senator John McCain when asked to comment on the Republican losses. It absolutely should be tatooed on every Republican's forehead.
"We came to change Washington. Washington changed us."

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Gang of 14 now Gang of 12

Good News tonight.

So long to DeWine and So long to Chafee.

The great RINO Hunt continues.

Monday, November 06, 2006


I had heard of a new documentary called "Obsession" that uses the evidence that radical Islamists Jihadists themselves provide. Fox news did an hour special on the film. What I was able to see was chilling. And shows exactly why Democrats can not be trusted with national defense. Ever. And you need to tell others to see these clips before you vote.
Powerline and The News Buckit has linked the Fox News Special from YouTube . You need to see it. The really scary and alarming episode is where the radical Jihadists are willing to indoctrinate their children (just like the lefties do here in America in government education). I've embedded that clip below. But, for a moment, do the numbers. Though Fox and the producers mention anumber of times that most Muslims are peaceful, the usual number that are radical is 10%. 10% of 1,500,000,000 is 150,000,000. And if 10% of those are moved to terrorism, that means an active army of 15,000,000. And in the last chapter of Fox's Special , Ms. Glick is very clear to remind us that the 19 highjackers came here to America, got drivers lisences, paychecks, lived and trained to kill us all on our own soil. And the Jihadists are training all over the world. Here is the clip about the children of Jihad: