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Friday, December 28, 2007

Irony, shcadenfreude and 1968

I took Mom to get her four month surgical review. I was reading the October issue of Mpls/St. Paul magazine and saw a very friendly article about the eco street terrorists called "Critical Mass" who have now arrived in Minneapolis. What impressed me was the cheery, upbeat tone of the Mpls/st.Paul magazine article in light of what's been reported about these two wheel thugs here in Minneapolis. Here's my read on this: it's not a coincidence that radical, liberty hating, left wing anarchy groups are showing up here in Minneapolis and St. Paul. With the national Republican Convention just over nine months away, they are testing the response and resolve of the mayors and police departments in advance to plan maximum disruption of the convention. And they have fertile ground to be encouraged. Read the two linked articles again and see the similarities between the two cities responses. Critical Mass and other fellow travelers are well encouraged and emboldened. Mayors Rybak and Coleman have sown seeds that will bear bitter fruit. And here's what I find ironic: being the leftists they are, the Mayors of the Twin Cities support radical notions, though publicly distance themselves, by the prosecution that they cut short. The message "Don't do this or a nasty letter WILL be sent home in your backpack". Note that the San Francisco motorists and bus riders had had enough. That shows a failure at the city executive level. And shows the incompetence of lefty mayors who are the chief law enforcement officers first and foremost.
I vividly remember the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968. A very good friend of mine missed the bus that would have taken him into the center of that mayhem and chaos.
And who, pray tell, was the Mayor of Chicago at the time? One Richard J. Daley. And who became the single man focus for the blame for all the riots that occurred at the Convention? Richard J. Daley. And who will become the foci for any and all riots that occur in September 2008? Mayors Coleman and Rybak.
Watching Coleman and Rybak try to control their left wing friends while trying to keep the limelight on themselves should prove interesting.

Ron Paul and James Janos

I read my friend Ed Morrisey's blog Captain's Quarters . Ed and I meet from time to time. We discuss, what else, politics and an upcoming project attempting to right a wrong for a WWII veteran. That being said, I noticed that he rails against Ron Paul. Sometimes I think wrongly.
I notice the same thing from Michael Medved and especially unapologetic Mitt Romney acolyte Hugh Hewitt. Well, swing away at Ron Paul all they like, he still raises money like no one else. His supporters are incredibly passionate and motivated. I went to the AM1280 The Patriot Republican debate with Rusty Humphrey about a month ago. The Ron Paul Fan Club/MN Chapter was there in force. Congressman Paul won the straw poll at about 45+%.
The question I ask isn't about Ron Paul and his stance on the issues. I take a step back and ask a question that I haven't seen anyone else ask with any degree of honesty. That question is why or what do Ron Paul's supporters like or find so attractive about him? The major bloggers and pundits and talk radio hosts would and do dismissively ask that question. I ask it honestly and reflectively. I find parallels between Paul and James Janos. Janos had incredible support because he was "not either one of them". He wasn't a Democrat nor was he a Republican. His supporters believed that. I found him to be what I called a Democan or Republocrat. But, though he was pilloried and dismissed by the press, his supporters were loyal and passionate.
I believe that Paul's supporters find that same type of resonance with Paul. Paul doesn't nibble around the edges. Many of his statements are about important and sober topics that unfortunately still leave most voters looking for the mute button on the remote.
And so I posit that Paul's supporters find him not to be anything like all the other Republican candidates. That he gives them a reason to be excited and passionate. he gives them a reason to vote for him rather than voting against someone else. Dr. Paul runs all his congressional votes based on the same matrix: Is it Constitutional? Does it conform to my oath of office? Does it conform to my campaign promises? Though there are many things with which I agree with Dr. Paul due to how he votes, I'm also clear he has no hope of getting the nomination or of getting elected. But, again, he has attracted a number of ardent fans and contributors. Dismiss him at a certain risk and peril.
And in case you don't recognize the names James Janos, his ring name is Jesse Ventura.
