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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

When the minority becomes all the Senate

Just went to the Pravda on the Mississippi website and saw this story:"Bolton nomination again blocked by Senate".
and I decided to read the story for what I suspected was the real story of Bolton's nomination being blocked. I was not disappointed. Nice to know that Pravda is consistent even if it's not truthful or honest.
The real story is in the second paragaph: "
The failure to end Democrats' delaying tactics...". The failure to nominate is because the out of the mainstream left wing senators are blocking the nomination, NOT the Senate.
So, the real headline should read " Bolton nomination again blocked by Senate Democrats".
But, then again, the meeting of the truth and Pravda on the Mississippi would be termed a random event.

P.S. I just wrote an email to one of the article's author's.
I'll update you on any reply.
Also,so as not to tar Pravda unnessarily, the article was written by Wahington Post reporters.
1:57pm- Mr. Babington replies to my question of "
Therefore, wouldn’t a more accurate headline be “Bolton nomination again blocked by Senate Democrats”?"
Mr. Babington replies "that would be fair, yes. Thanks."


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