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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Deep Throat Spoke...And Millions Died

Seems to be much joyful reminiscing and reliving the good old days when the radical and hate filled lefties and their allies in the Main Stream Media finally extracted their revenge and got their pound of flesh from Richard Nixon after 30 years. They laid in wait for three decades after he exposed their darling Alger Hiss. However, there is yet another law that the lefty pukes ignore. The law of unintended consequences ( ) is something that the lack of logic loose cannon loonies of the left never put into any equation that they compute. But, in their outcome based world, why would they or why should they care?
It's the intention that counts...or the revenge.
As Deep Throat comes to the surface (like a dead fish breaks through pond scum) Peggy Noonan explains it very well .
The Treaty of Paris (Paris Peace Accords) that ended direct
U.S. military involvement in Vietnam also provided that if the North Vietnamese invaded the South, the U.S. would re-engage and directly support the South Vietnamese.
The North invaded. Ted (Water Safety Instructor of the Year 1969) Kennedy and the hyenas in his clique, seeing that they had President Nixon on the ropes, betrayed an ally and a people and did not authorize the support of the South. Yup, Teddy was on a roll- doing to the South Vietnamese exactly what he did to Mary Jo Kopechne.
Rush Limbaugh pointed out the hypocrisy of the left...AGAIN, with their extolling a disgruntled government employee (Deep Throat Felt) for being a whistleblower and demonizing Gary Aldrich for being a whistleblower. The differences? Deep Throat kept his identity secret. He hid.And he attacked a Republican. Gary Aldrich's name was out there for all the world to see. Oh, and the most unexcusable of all, he exposed the rock star of the left, Bill Clinton. (Oops. Maybe exposed isn't the right term. Sorry.)
The lefties are like the Bourbons: They never learn and they never forget.
Political revenge from the left on one man is easily worth the lives of millions, including hundreds of thousands of children . Just ask the lefties.
Nah, don't waste your time.
Peggy Noonan got it right. Read her article.

I'm trying to find the transcript of an interview yesterday between Michael Reagan and G. Gordon Liddy. Things you never heard about John Dean. And should.


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