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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Monday, May 23, 2005

They really think that we are that dumb....

The nanny staters are at it again. This reports on legislation introduced by the honorable Senator from the great state of Iowa (Tom Harkin). This legislation would force the FCC (who has nothing better to do btw) to police how companies advertise "to children". It seems that Senator Harkin fears that parents are so dumb and so incapable that their children will not be able to know if they should listen to Shrek "telling" them to eat sugary candy or listen to Mom or Dad telling them to eat healthy foods.

"Shrek says yes, Mom says no," the Iowa Democrat said in an interview. "Dad says fruit, Shrek says candy. ... " Perhaps, Senator Harkin needs to meet my 12 year old, for my 12 year old has an insight into this issue that the Senator appearantly does not have and I will gladly share with the Senator if he asked. What is that insight, you ask? Simple - Senator Harkin, Shrek is NOT A REAL PERSON and Mom and Dad are! Maybe when the Senator grows up he will figure that out and realize that this legislation is a waste of taxpayer time and money.


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