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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Fight of our Lives

As I stated below (in the post entitled "Outrage") I am an evangelical Christian who has studied the "Big Three" of religion (Christianity, Judiaism and Islam). As such, I feel that it is important that someone (I guess that would be me) mention that we Americans are in the fight of our lives. The fight is against radical Islam. Some would say that all of Islam is our enemy. According to the Koran and the teachings of several Imams (both here and abroad) you would be correct, but I would argue that there are probably just as many "marginal" Muslims as there are "marginal" Christians. For the sake of this post, I am referring to the Wahhabist view point of the Koran and Islamic teachings (this is the Muslim sect that brought us Osama bin Laden and his followers and it is the primary sect of Saudi Arabia).

Wahhabist Imams teach that ALL people have 1 choice. Convert to Islam or DIE!!! Any who "coroborate" with the infidels (that would be us folks!) are to be killed as well. Don't believe me? Think I am exaggerating? Check out this news story from Yahoo Or this one In the first story, Abu Musab al Zarqawi said that it was ok to target Muslims who participate in the new government of Iraq. The second is a story about a Palestinian Imam who, in a televised broadcast, said that Muslims will one day "rule America". Think about this people. You think the evangelical Christians make life miserable for homosexuals? Care to guess what happens to "outed" homosexuals in an Islamic country? The same thing that happened to all of those who were kidnapped in the early days of the war - beheading! What happens to women who dare to want to go to work? They are killed for the sake of "honor".

So the next time you hear someone say that evangelical Christians are just as bad as the radical Islamists, remember which side beheads homosexuals and which side kills women who have the audacity to step out of their prescribed roles.....


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