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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Friday, May 06, 2005

I have been meaning to write on this for a couple of days, but every time I start thinking about it, I get rather angry. Earlier this week, the Washington Times reported that the Montgomery County (MD) School District was starting a "pilot" sex education program that purportedly taught that homosexuality was "normal" and "natural". Several concerned parents, who wanted to sit in on the class (to see how objectional the content may or may not be) were told that they were not welcome in this class. The parents were concerned (after attending a parent information meeting) that the program would teach that homosexuality is OK. When the school district realized the parents intent, they said that having the parents in the classroom would have a "chilling effect" on the conversation. Well, the parents fought back and took the case to court. Today, in a victory for all parents, the pilot program has been pulled from the curriculum for this school year (

Now aside from the homosexual indoctrination, the thing that disturbed me the most (as a parent) was the whole air of superiority that came out of the school board. The whole "we know better than you about what to teach your child and if you don't like it tough!". Bravo to the parents that stood their ground and told the school distict that WE THE TAXPAYERS, who provide your salary, are in charge.


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