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The Savage Republican

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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Just what we need....

Shortly before leaving the Cities to help with my ill mother, I recieved an email from a new Republican candidate for Mark Dayton's Senate seat. Now most of the Republican activists in Minnesota know about Mark Kennedy and quite a few know about Harold Shudlick, now John Uldrich has thrown his hat into the ring, running for the Republican endorsement. Included in the email was a link to John's campaign website. Wanting to be an educated voter, I went to the website to see where the candidate stands on the various issues facing Minnesotans today.

Here is where the candidate stands on some of the key Republican issues:

Gay Rights: My philosophy is that we are a society that respects and accepts diversity and that inclusiveness is etched in stone – as it regards gays, races and religions.
I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman but that all civil rights and accords should be given to same sex unions – including adoption. I do not believe in and would not support a marriage amendment as being essential to the fabric of our society.
As Gay Rights issues relate to education, I am in favor of introducing this subject early on an introductory basis and continuing to developing throughout the length of the K-12 spectrum and – mandating that it be part of college and university curriculums. (emphasis mine)

World Hunger: As a Senator from Minnesota, one of the most productive agricultural states in the Union, I would task myself to meet hunger in the following ways:
• Working with the entire farming/ranching/food producing/food marketing constituency to determine (on an on-going basis) what crops and products we can produce to meet world hunger needs . . .

Immigration:Let it be noted: this candidate for U.S. Senate is not in favor of an 800-mile fence separating the United States and Mexico. This does not speak to what America is all about. (emphasis mine)

Education: As a pro-active proponent of life-long learning, it should come as no surprise that I would be an advocate for ‘early childhood education’ (defined as ‘birth-to-age-5 childhood development) - (again emphasis mine)

As my friend Amendment X wrote here, the last thing we need in DC is another RINO who will put the Democratic agenda ahead of the agenda of the party that got the candidate elected. No, no NO...this will not do! If you are going to vote for a Republican, vote for one who will stand by the principles and platform of the Republican Party or vote for a Democrat. Because if you don't vote for a Republican candidate that believes in the Party Platform then you might as well be voting for a Democrat - you are accomplishing the same thing!


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