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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Whose lies are they anyway?

The Dems love to harp about "lies" that were told leading up to the war, but just who has been lying to whom?

The Dems say that the Bush Administration told America that there was a 9/11 link to Saddam and yet in his interview with the
Rocky Mountain News, Vice President Cheney said " "[O]n the 9/11 question, we've never had confirmation one way or another." However, the UK Guardian did claim that there was an Iraq/al Qaeda link in this 1999 report

The Dems have said that there Saddam had NO WMD's. However, Iraq disclosures to the U.N., culminating in September 1997, admitted that Iraq had produced large quantities of the banned weapons. In its
1999 UNSCOM report, the United Nations concluded that Iraq had under-reported its production of those materials, including anthrax and VX, had systematically lied to and deceived the U.N. inspectors, and had wholly failed to account for the weapons' current whereabouts. (See, for example, paragraph 85.) And the U.N., in its March 2003 UNMOVIC report, concluded: "Based on all the available evidence, the strong presumption is that about 10,000 litres of anthrax was not destroyed and may still exist." Then there is this BBC report that talks about the bomb making factory that was discovered in Baghdad in 2003. It also mentions an encounter that the Polish coalition troops had "On Friday, Poland's defence ministry said its troops in Iraq had thwarted an attempt by militants to buy a quantity of warheads containing nerve agents. " Warheads equipped with nerve agents.....and those aren't WMD's????? This report talks about all of the other WMD's that were found shortly after going into Iraq. Funny how the Democratic leadership chooses not to utilize this data...

The infamous 16 words in the State of the Union Address...the Dems say that the President said (in his 2003 State of the Union address) that Saddam bought yellowcake uranium from the government of Niger (whose main export is - surprise - yellowcake uranium) a claim which Joseph Wilson claimed to have debunked. According to Wilson, this claim was based on a forged US intelligence document. The problem is that is not what the president said. The quote was “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,”. I realize that the words "sought" and "bought" are similar in sound and spelling, but the meanings are very different! Then there is this little gem from
the BBC that talks about the 1.77 tons of enriched uranium that was secretly taken out of Iraq by the US government. Meanwhile, the Butler Report reaffirmed the President's claim and the accuracy of the real original report.

So there you have it.....the lies of the Iraq War and the liars who told them. Are there any more lies that we need to discuss?????


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