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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


On Tuesday night I and some of the members of Scott County Republicans Executive Committee were priviledged to be able to hear and enjoy Michael Medved, courtesy of my friend John Hunt, GM at AM1280 The Patriot . As the State of the Union (SOTU) was scheduled after Michael Medved was scheduled, John told me that we were going to hear the SOTU with comments after by Mr. Medved. BTW, I had the opportunity to talk to Michael briefly before and after the SOTU, and he is gracious, polite and as attentive as a very short and rushed schedule would allow. He is the personification of his own description of conservatives as kind (and kinder) more well mannered and truly compassionate than our left wing opponent's. Back to the SOTU.
I also had the opportunity to be seated with the NARN and right next to King Banaian (SCSU Scholars) during the SOTU. And we groaned and clapped pretty much on cue.
And then we got to the "Initiatives " part of the speech.
A "Competitiveness Initiative" from the GOVERNMENT????? This is an example of either GWB's humor or the irony is absolutely lost on him and all the dolts who applauded.
And just where did GWB go to exemplify the "Competitiveness Initiative"? Did he go to the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission? No. Did he go to the EPA? Uh uh. How about the FDA? Wasn't there. Perhaps the Department of Energy? Typical day at the DOE. Well, what about the Department of Education (an oxymoron if ever there were one)? Thankfully, no, he didn't go there. Nope to all. Where did he go? PRIVATE INDUSTRY! 3M! One of the most innovative large companies on the planet! And how does 3M do it?
There are no top down dictates. They give the divisions much latitude to be innovators. They fund all those small entrepreneurial enterprises within the company. My Dad worked as an engineer for 3M for over forty years. And he talked about that creative spirit that pervaded the entire company.
And if 3M were not competitive, the free market would spank 3M. And they are incredibly competitive in spite of the EPA, EEOC, FDA, FEMA and the all other alphabet soup agency drags on the economy.
How about the "Get Government the He** Out of the Way Initiative"? And which could also be renamed the "Ronald Reagan the nine most scariest words in English 'I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help' Initiative".
And the "Compassion Initiative"? $450,000,000 for mentors for compassion? How about cutting our taxes by 80% or more (much more ) and we'll spend our own money in our own compassionate way.
70,000 new teachers? Sounds like the 100,000 police on the streets that never appeared from one of Clinton's SOTU.
And just one more laugher? Federal jobs training. Has never worked. Never will.
You want REAL jobs training and competitiveness initiative? How about from the free market by eliminating the capital gains tax and all taxes on dividends? Watch the huge investment numbers into small and innovative companies that ensues. It would be breathtaking!
Oh, and energy independence- ethanol? Also another real bad idea from government. The ethanol subsidy is also called "the food burning subsidy" here and here. Oh, and the producers of ethanol can not afford to burn ethanol to produce ethanol.
So, I was fairly impressed with the first part.
And I never,ever want to hear "XXXXXXX Government Initiative" again. One of the NARN heard me say that as we were walking out and replied "Initiative must be the new Blue Ribbon Panel or Commission".
SOTU...another missed opportunity.


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