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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Has the "Holy War" really Begun?

The world has watched as the Middle East has disolved into mass chaos. Riots have broken out over a cartoon that has offended the Muslim World. Embassies have been burned, tourists kindapped, bomb threats, bombs thrown, EU offices over-run by gun wielding hooligans....all of this has unfolded before our eyes in the last 48 hours. Much has been said on this issue across the blogosphere. However, few have dared to ask this question, has the Holy War begun? The short answer??? YES - ABSOLUTELY - POSITIVELY!!!!

"Jihad" has been defined as a holy war and bin Laden and his associates have said that this is jihad. If that is the case, then the Holy War came to us over 20 years ago. When is the "West" going to wake up to this fact?


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