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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Monday, July 11, 2005

What a winner - MN Care

I can't tell you how thrilled I am that MN Care is getting more money - ok I am being very sarcastic.....Let me tell you about my turn with MN Care.

Two years ago, during the height of the scandal driven telecom downturn, my husband lost his job with the local Bell Operating Company. No worries, we said - I still had my job with one of Ma Bell's comeptitors and as long as I have my job we have benefits. Well, last year I lost my job. I was downsized. The problem was my husband had still not been able to find a full time telecom job. Oh he was getting temporary and part time jobs, but nothing with benefits and my new job wasa 3/4 time working for one of those "evil" small business owners that makes over $200k a year. My new job was due to the extra money that he got due to those nasty Bush tax cuts (another rant for another day). However, he can not offer benefits. No worry we said - we are making enough to buy our own (or so we thought). Now my husband and I are both in good health, but due to family histories we are not the "prime" candidates so our rates were much higher than the sales rep quoted. After 6 months of scraping and barely making it, we decided to swallow our pride and apply for MN Care. There was one problem. In order to be eligible for MN Care, you had to have existing health insurance and if you can afford to buy your own insurance you obviously don't need MN Care!!!!! In other words, even though doing the responsible thing (having our own insurance) was bankrupting us, we could not get into this program for "those in need" because we were already buying our own insurance. HUH?????

Thankfully, due to God's grace and mercy my husband did get a new job in telecom with full benefits so we are ok but my close call with the bureaucracy was more than enough to get me to realize that these programs are nothing more than an employment project for the inept. MN Care needs to be cut drastically as it is not helping the citizens of Minnesota. I know from experience. Instead we need to work on bringing insurance rates down so that everyone can afford insurance. A key part of that is tort reform. Capping the amount of rewards that a jury can issue will help the insurance companies cut their costs. It will also help bring the costs of health care down by reducing hospitals costs and doctors costs and drug manufactures costs and...get the idea. If we help the medical industry reduce their costs of doing business, then our out of pocket costs for having insurance will go down making health care more affordable for all!


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