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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Don't know much about history...

At least one has to think that is the case with our esteemed friends on the left. They seem to have a glaring lack of historical knowledge or context, given some of the statements that they have made recently. For example:

Many claimed that President Bush should have never started the war in Iraq because "they didn't attack us", the implication being that America has never attacked countries that didn't attack us first. Well, FDR sent American troops into Europe, against Germany but Germany never attacked us - Japan did. JFK took American troops into Viet Nam when the Viet Namese never attacked us. Bill Clinton took American troops (who are still there by the way) into Bosnia - another country that never attacked us.

Many claim that the Iraq war is a "quagmire" that we must exit, a quagmire, like Viet Nam was. Let's take a look at the Viet Nam quagmire versus the Iraq "quagmire. In Viet Nam, we lost (on average) 5,900 soldiers lives a year. In Iraq, we have lost a little over 1700 soldiers in the year that we have been in there. In Viet Nam, we never made any progress against the Communists. In Iraq, we have gotten rid of a despotic leader and we are slowly cutting the "head" off of the foreign "insurgents" all the while restoring public services like electricity, water and phone service to levels not seen in Saddam's 30+ year rule. They claim that we need to have an "exit strategy". What was the exit strategey in Germany? Korea? Bosnia? I will give you that, at this time, there does not seem to be an "end date" of when our troops will leave Iraq, but you know what - we still have troops in Germany 60 years after the "end" of WWII, we still have troops in Japan and the Phillipines and Korea as well.

Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) and officials at Amnesty International compared our treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay to Nazi death camps (like Auschwitz and Dachau) and the gulags run by Stalin in Russia. Really? No medical experiments are being done on the detainees at Gitmo like there were in the Nazi camps. No "ovens" to gas prisioners. No 6-12 million dead. Shoot we have not even detained 700 there. In Gitmo, there is no thin soup made of human refuse and fish heads as there was in Stalin's Gulags. Instead detainees eat orange glazed chicken and rice pilaf. I understand that there is a "Gitmo cookbook" being published so that we can eat like a detainee. I don't recall Stalin publishing a cookbook.

There is so much more we could talk about, but you get the picture don't you dear reader? I certain understand and appreciate an honest, principled opposition, but that is hardly what we have here. Instead we have intellectually bankrupt party that is more concerned with scoring political "points" than they are in doing the people's business. JFK, FDR, Herbert Humphrey II and even Paul Wellstone would be embarrased that this is what their party has come to. I know I am.....


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